Meet Your Teachers!

Hello My Name Is...

Mr. Caplette
Caplette family

     I am excited to be working with your children this school year!  For those of you who I have not had to pleasure of meeting yet, I can't wait to make a formal introduction!  Until then, let me tell you a little about myself.  
     One of the most important details, of course, is that along with the rest of my fabulous family, I am a Disney fanatic!  There was nothing more magical then watching my 11 year old daughter Karleigh and 5 year old son Cole, meet their favorite characters.  Aside from Disney, I love tennis, soccer and skiing!  I also proudly hold a black belt in Kempo!  Finally, I love technology, especially anything made by Apple!
As a teacher, I have taught fourth grade for 15 years.  I have also taught third grade as well as mathematics, rounding out twenty years teaching Richmond students.  I firmly believe that every child is capable of being successful in my classroom.  There will certainly be challenging topics and ideas that we'll explore, but with the support of myself and all of you at home, we can help our children succeed.  I thank you in advance for making sure that they do their homework (don't worry about making sure that they answered everything correctly... I'll do that).  By doing so you're helping them learn to be responsible and that homework is an important part of learning.

     If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to click that orange button above and send me an email.  We are a team, and I am here for you as much as I am for your children!

I look forward to a fantastic school  year!
Mr. Caplette


Hello My Name Is...

Mrs. McGlinsey

McGlinsey Family

     Welcome to the fourth grade!  Let me tell you a little about myself.  I have been teaching fourth grade at Richmond Elementary School for twenty years.  Before teaching at Richmond I spent a year teaching sixth grade math and a year at Ashaway Elementary School in second grade.  I am excited to be focusing on ELA this year!  It is going to be a year of deep thinking and complex writing!  We will be covering both non-fiction and fiction text as wells as writing expository, narrative, and opinion pieces of writing.  Your child should be reading nightly for 20 minutes, take the time to ask them questions about what they are reading to help deepen their understanding.  Having them read aloud to you is a great way for them to work on their fluency and expression.  
     As you can see from my photograph I am the mother of three amazing Chariho Chargers.  My oldest daughter, Annabella, graduated from Chariho a couple of years ago, Lucy graduated last year and is off to college, and Tucker is in ninth grade.  My husband and I are very busy running around to their after school activities, including:  soccer, piano, gymnastics, chorus, and baseball!  When I do have some free time I enjoy reading a good book or going for a run to clear my mind!
     I am excited to be a part of your child's learning this year!  Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns!

Mrs. McGlinsey