Curriculum at a Glance

Reading: This school year we will implement a new Reading Program titled, Into Reading. This program embeds Reading, Writing, Grammar, and Foundational Skills both in hardcopy along with digital resources and activities. Students in Grade 2 will be exposed to quality fiction and non-fiction; Literary Text, Informational Text, & Fables and Folktales. Students will engage in grade-level poetry. Learning objectives include being able to demonstrate understanding of key ideas and details (who, what, where, when, why and how), story structure (beginning, middle, end), and characters' actions, thoughts, and feelings. Additionally, students will be able to compare and contrast texts, identify the author’s purpose, and use text features such as bold print and glossaries to understand non-fiction text.
Writing: There is a focus on learning how to write Opinion pieces, Narratives, and Informative/Expository pieces using transitional and linking words and strengthening writing by revising and editing with teacher and peer support.
Foundational Skills of reading including both phonological awareness and phonics. Students will learn word analysis skills in decoding words and learn spelling patterns for encoding.
Grammar includes the standard conventions of the English Language with a focus on identifying and using types of sentences, punctuation, capitalization, dialogue, apostrophe use, and forming contractions. Students will continue to learn parts of speech such as: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
Language: Students will demonstrate an increase in their vocabulary as they retell stories, recount an experience orally, collaborate in conversations, and build on others’ talk using coherent sentences.
- Math fact fluency in addition/subtraction problems within 20. (We suggest daily use of flash cards at home to practice this skill.)
- Addition and subtraction begins with 10 and expands to within 1000 by year end.
- Using strategies, models and drawings to complete one and two-step word problems.
- Tell and write time to the nearest 5 minutes.
- Money will include coin identification, coin values and working with money addition and subtraction with $10.
- Using mental math strategies to add/subtract 10 and 100 from a number.
- Concepts of place value will include ones, tens, and hundreds.
- Arrays will be introduced for repeated addition to set the foundation for multiplication in later years.
- Measurement of length will include both non-standard and standard units of measurement.
- Geometry concepts including reasoning with shapes and their attributes.
- Represent and interpret data using simple graphs.

SCIENCE: Through our partnership with URI GEMS-NET and Next Generation Science Standards, the Grade 2 Science framework includes the following 3 modules:
- Earth Science ~ Pebbles, Sand & Silt
- Physical Science ~ Solids & Liquids
- Life Science ~ Insects & Plants
*Students will engage in active investigations and maintain a science notebook for data collection and analysis

The National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies focuses on the following core domains: history, civics, economics, geography, and culture. Students in grade 2 will engage in learning opportunities related to these domains through the lens of "neighborhoods."
- History: Explain how heroes from long ago and the recent past have made a difference in people’s lives. Describe the effects of important inventions, events, and people have on neighborhoods over time. Explain how their school has changed over time.
- Civics: Understand what rules and laws are and why they are important. Recognize the role of a governor, vice president, and president. Explain the rights and responsibilities of individuals within a neighborhood. Respect the rights and property of others.
- Economics: Identify that human and natural resources come from many sources. Recognize the purpose of saving money.
- Geography: Identify parts of maps and globes, and explain how they are used. Describe how the geography of a neighborhood influences what activities take place there.
- Culture: Identify different cultures in the neighborhood. Describe similarities and differences in the ways people function in homes, schools, and neighborhoods. Explore similarities and differences of neighborhoods in different settings such as farms and cities. Identify how a neighborhood could be changed and why. Participate in cultural celebrations marking important events, with an emphasis on literature, music, and art. Understand the concept of cooperation as it relates to the good of all.
This webpage will have more to come at a later date.